School Site Council (SSC) and School Improvement Plan (SIP)
The School Site Council (SSC) is the body responsible for implementing the School Improvement Plan. Our Valentine Site Council is composed of equal parts staff members, including our principal and parents. Our PTA President and Treasurer serve as advisory members.
Our Site Council will meet during the first few months each school year. The calendar for Site Council Meetings will be established at our first meeting.
Single Plan for Student Achievement:
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is our "road map" for school improvement. Our plan identifies goals and action steps for improvement based upon our CST STAR data, classroom assessment data, and other information we have gathered through surveys or other data collection systems. The ongoing implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this plan is one of the most important roles of the School Site Council.
Our School Improvement Plan (SIP) is approved each year by the San Marino School District Board of Education.
In 2023-2024 Valentine did not qualify for any Title I funding so there were no expenditures in the SPSA that required approval by the School Site Council or Board of Education.